bjseow 发表于 2024-6-13 09:51:04












Dear Sir/Madam, please be aware of following notes after double eyelid surgery and eyebrow lifting surgery

1. Ice compress should be applied 24-48 hours after surgery to reduce tissue edema and blood stasis, which is conducive to rapid recovery. Avoid getting the wound wet and keep the wound clean.

2. If there are blood scabs or secretion on the wound, you can use a cotton swab to gently wipe it with normal saline, and apply erythromycin eye ointment or eye drops to treat the wound to prevent infection.

3. The suture should be removed about a week after surgery. After removing the suture, external scar removal drugs should also be used to prevent scar formation.

4. Do not use painkillers casually. The specific medication should be guided by a doctor's face-to-face consultation. If you feel unwell, please contact us for further consultation in time.

5. Pay attention to eye rest after surgery, watch less TV and internet, and try to maintain an upward position. Do not bend over, lower your head, lie prostrate, etc. for a long time, and do not lift heavy things forcefully to avoid bleeding. The pillow should be slightly higher while sleeping, which can help reduce swelling as soon as possible!

6. Three days after double eyelid surgery, you can do eye opening exercises. Keep your head still, with your eyes down and upwards (like flipping your eyes) for three seconds until it reaches its maximum position. Then, look down and flip upwards twenty times as a group, five to six groups per day, for three months. It is beneficial for enhancing the strength of eye muscles, promoting blood circulation around the wound, and helping to reduce swelling and shape the eye shape.

7. The diet should be light, avoid spicy and stimulating foods and prohibit smoking and drinking.

8. Avoid vigorous exercise and swimming for a period of time after surgery, and the specific time depends on the recovery situation.

9. Follow up at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after surgery.
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查看完整版本: 重睑术、提眉术后