bjseow 发表于 2024-6-13 09:51:34



1. 治疗后2-3天,可能出现水疱,含血性液体。

2. 如水疱不影响生活无需处理,结痂会自行脱落;

3. 如疼痛严重影响行动或水疱直径≥0.5cm,可使用酒精棉片消毒痂皮后,用针头刺破,让液体流出,涂抹抗生素药膏后使用邦迪。注意保持伤口干燥清洁,避免浸水继发感染,结痂大约2-4周脱落。3-4周请按时复诊。

4. 伤口感染严重或疼痛剧烈时请及时联系客服或医助。

Dear Sir/Madam, please be aware of following notes after cryotherapy:

1. Blisters and bloody fluid may appear within 2-3 days after treatment.

2. If blisters do not affect daily life, just leave them, scabs will fall off on their own;

3. If the pain seriously affects movement or if the blister diameter is ≥ 0.5cm, alcohol cotton pads can be used to disinfect the scab skin, and a needle can be used to puncture and let the fluid flow out. After applying antibiotic ointment, bandage can be used. Keep the wound dry and clean to avoid secondary infection caused by water. The scab will fall off within 2-4 weeks. Please follow up on time within 3-4 weeks.

4. When the wound infection is severe or the pain is severe, please contact customer service
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