bjseow 发表于 2024-6-13 09:52:16



1. 术后用冷水或温水洗脸,避免热水热风刺激治疗部位。可以涂温和的保湿护肤品,尽量减少化妆、卸妆,避免使⽤含果酸、⽔杨酸、维甲酸等去⻆质产品及其他含有刺激性成份产品。

2. 忌辛辣刺激饮食,忌酒。

3. 注意健康作息,忌晚睡、熬夜,建议11点前睡觉;注意防晒。

Dear Sir/Madam, please be aware of following notes after radiofrequency therapy:

1. After RF treatment, avoid hot water or hot wind at the treated area. Mild moisturizing skincare products can be applied. Try not to makeup and makeup removal. Avoid application of exfoliating products containing glycolic acid, salicylic acid, retinoic acid, and other irritating ingredients.

2. Avoid stimulating food and alcohol.

3. Try to have a healthy lifestyle, avoid staying up late. It is recommended to go to bed before 11pm.

4. Pay attention to sun protection.
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