bjseow 发表于 2024-6-13 09:52:39




2. 术后1周内头皮会有轻微的红斑、灼热、脱屑,为正常现象, 避免行染发、烫发等操作。

3. 激光治疗可能会造成部分毛发断落,属于正常情况,不用焦虑。随着治疗,激光会活化更多的毛囊促使毛发新生。

Dear Sir/Madam, please be aware of following notes after the Non-Ablative Scalp Fractional Laser Treatment:

1.Within 24 hours after treatment, please avoid washing hair.

2.Within 1 week after treatment, slight redness, burning and peeling of the treated area are normal response, please avoid dyeing hair and perming hair during the recovery period.

3. Laser treatment may cause part of the hair break, it is normal, no anxiety. With treatment, the laser activates more hair follicles and promotes new hair to grow.

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