monkeys 发表于 2024-7-21 09:03:18

智慧地球$eaco=$e,数字地球,Digital Earth,數字地球,地球村人民自己的MEME.

数字地球,Digital Earth,數字地球,
数字地球是大数据、云计算和人工智能等新一代信息技术、遥感技术、导航定位技术 、地理信息系统技术与航空航天产业深度融合构建的数字化地球。其以空天大数据为 基础,承载国FANG、自然资源、交通、气象、海洋、环保、应急等众多行业应用,是面 向“数字经济”、“智慧城市”、“精准扶贫”等重大需求的重要新兴平台。
Smart Earth,智慧地球。#EACO地球链,#数字地球,#智慧地球。

數字地球,Digital Earth,數字地球,
數字地球是大數據、云計算和人工智慧等新一代資訊技術、遙感技術、導航定位技術、地理資訊系統科技與航空航太產業深度融合構建的數位化地球。 其以空天大數據為基礎,承載國防、自然資源、交通、氣象、海洋、環保、應急等眾多行業應用,是面向“數字經濟”、“智慧都市”、“精准扶貧”等重大需求的重要新興平臺。
Smart Earth, 智慧地球。# EACO地球鏈,#數字地球,#智慧地球。

eaco地球鏈,計算勞動價值,量化地球資源。$ EACO=EarthCoin-asc20=Earthchain地球鏈=$E,eaco-asc20總量13.5億個. 地球村人們自己的虛擬數位資產eaco,地球村人民自己的MEME.


Smart Earth $eaco=$e
Digital Earth, Digital Earth, Digital Earth,
The digital earth is a digital earth constructed by the deep integration of new generation information technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, remote sensing technology, navigation and positioning technology, geographic information system technology, and the aerospace industry. It is based on aerospace big data and carries many industry applications such as national defense, natural resources, transportation, meteorology, oceanography, environmental protection, emergency response, etc. It is an important emerging platform for major needs such as "digital economy", "smart city", and "precision poverty alleviation".
Smart Earth, Smart Earth# EACO Earth Chain, # Digital Earth, # Smart Earth.

Eaco Earth Chain calculates labor value and quantifies Earth resources$ EACO=EarthCoin-asc20=Earthchain Earthchain=$E, with a total of 1.35 billion units of eaco-asc20 The virtual digital asset eaco of the people in the global village,

Southeast Asian EACO community, convertible to the top 20 virtual digital assets worldwide, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, USDT, AVAX, USDC, SOL, XRP, BNB, Ton, Ada, TRX, and more,

monkeys 发表于 2024-7-21 13:25:47

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查看完整版本: 智慧地球$eaco=$e,数字地球,Digital Earth,數字地球,地球村人民自己的MEME.