bjseow 发表于 2024-6-28 08:47:32



Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a common and classic surgery that's used to treat urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate.


After the procedure, you might notice:



Hematuria: it’s common to see blood right after surgery. With time and hydration, the urine should slowly turn from a watermelon red color to pink to clear in 1-2 weeks. In addition, transient hematuria may occur several times within one month after surgery, but the symptom will be disappeared by drinking plenty of water.

However, if the blood in your urine is thick like ketchup, the bleeding seems to get worse or your urine flow is blocked, contact your doctor immediately.

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Urination might be painful. Or you might feel an urgent or frequent need to urinate. Painful urination might take weeks to improve. This is normal and no need to worry.


In the meantime, you should pay attention to the following:


Diet: After the procedure, avoid spicy food、smoking and alcohol, eat more high-fiber foods to prevent constipation and straining during a bowel movement. It is recommended to drink 2000-3000 ml of water every day in the first month after surgery. The water intake can be gradually reduced according to the situation afterwards.


Activity: Stay away from strenuous physical activity, such as heavy lifting、running、riding bicycle for 4 to 6 weeks to prevent post-hemorrhage. At the meantime, do not do activities that put pressure on the area between the anus and the scrotum. Avoid any activities that may increase abdominal or pelvic pressure.



Urinary catheter is required after surgery, usually for 1-5 days. If you have a urinary catheter at home, you should keep catheter unobstructed, avoid twisting, compression or detachment. If blockage or detachment occurs, please find your healthcare team for help.


Hold off on sex for 4 to 6 weeks.


Infection prevention: After the surgery, use antibiotics according to medical advice to prevent infection.

22 Open Capsule


Regular follow-up is required (usually once a month for the first three months), it helps to know your recovery situation and promptly find and manage any abnormal situations


Call your urologist or find your healthcare team for help if you have the following symptoms

● 尿潴留

Are not able to urinate

● 尿液中有鲜血或者血块

Notice bright red blood or clots in your urine

● 发烧或发冷

Have a fever or chills
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