运行结果是- 程序开始运行……程序开始运行2……程序开始运行3……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……程序开始运行4……更新栏目开始……更新栏目结束……2015-05-15 20:43:16
复制代码- echo("\n程序开始运行……");
- //$dsql1 = new DedeSql(false);
- $query = "select * from `#@__check_time`";
- //$dsql1->Execute('me',$query);
- echo("程序开始运行2……");
- $dsql->SetQuery($query);//将SQL查询语句格式化
- $dsql->Execute();//执行SQL操作
- $makeall=0;
- echo("程序开始运行3……");
- while($row1 = $dsql->GetArray())
- {
- echo("程序开始运行4……");
- $now = time();
- $date = getdate($now);
- $hours = $date[hours];
- if($hours>=$row1['start_time'] and $hours<$row1['end_time'])
- {
- echo("程序开始运行5……");
- $interval = ($row1['end_time'] - $row1['start_time']) * 3600;
- if($now - $row1['check_time'] > $interval)
- {
- echo("程序开始运行6……");
- $amount = $row1['amount'];
- $addsql = "";
- $qstr = "";
- //$dsql2 = new DedeSql(false);
- if($row1['lmorzs'] == 0 and $row1['typeid'] != 0 and $amount) //按照栏目更新
- {
- // ShowMsg("1");
- echo("按照栏目更新开始运行……");
- $query = "select id,typeid from `#@__archives` where arcrank=-1 order by typeid,id";
- $dsql->SetQuery($query);//将SQL查询语句格式化
- $dsql->Execute();//执行SQL操作
- $typeid_now = -2;
- while($row2 = $dsql->GetArray())
- {
- if($typeid_now != $row2['typeid'])
- {
- $typeid_now = $row2['typeid'];
- $count = 1;
- }
- else $count++;
- if($count <= $amount)
- {
- if($qstr == "") $qstr = $row2['id'];
- else $qstr = $qstr."`".$row2['id'];
- }
- }
- }
- //elseif(!$amount) //更新所有的文档
- //{
- // ShowMsg("1");
- //echo("更新所有的文档开始运行……");//自己修改,禁止全部更新,防止程序运行错误。
- //$makeall=1;
- //}
- else //按照总数更新
- {
- echo("按照总数更新开始运行……");
- if($row1['typeid']) $addsql = " and typeid=".$row1['typeid'];
- $query = "select id from `#@__archives` where arcrank=-1 $addsql limit 0,$amount";
- $dsql->SetQuery($query);//将SQL查询语句格式化
- $dsql->Execute();//执行SQL操作
- while($row2 = $dsql->GetArray())
- {
- if(!$qstr) $qstr = $row2['id'];
- else $qstr = $qstr."`".$row2['id'];
- }
- }
- if($qstr != "" or $makeall)
- {
- //ShowMsg("$qstr");//测试
- //审核更新文档开始
- echo("审核更新文档开始运行……");
- $is_check = 1;
- $maxpagesize = $row1['maxpagesize'];
- $arcids = ereg_replace('[^0-9,]','',ereg_replace('`',',',$qstr));
- if($makeall){
- $query = "Select arc.id,arc.typeid,ch.issystem,ch.maintable,ch.addtable From `#@__arctiny` arc
- left join `#@__arctype` tp on tp.id=arc.typeid
- left join `#@__channeltype` ch on ch.id=tp.channeltype where arc.arcrank=0";
- //ShowMsg("1");
- }
- else
- {
- $query = "Select arc.id,arc.typeid,ch.issystem,ch.maintable,ch.addtable From `#@__arctiny` arc
- left join `#@__arctype` tp on tp.id=arc.typeid
- left join `#@__channeltype` ch on ch.id=tp.channeltype
- where arc.id in($arcids) ";
- }
- $dsql->SetQuery($query);
- $dsql->Execute('ckall');
- $typediarr = array();
- while($row = $dsql->GetArray('ckall'))
- {
- if (!in_array($row['typeid'],$typediarr))
- {
- array_push($typediarr,$row['typeid']);
- $query = "Select reid,topid From `#@__arctype` where id=".$row['typeid'];
- $row3 = $dsql->GetOne($query);
- if (!in_array($row3['reid'],$typediarr) and $row3['reid']!=0) array_push($typediarr,$row3['reid']);
- if (!in_array($row3['topid'],$typediarr) and $row3['topid']!=0) array_push($typediarr,$row3['topid']);
- }
- $aid = $row['id'];
- $maintable = ( trim($row['maintable'])=='' ? '#@__archives' : trim($row['maintable']) );
- $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Update `#@__arctiny` set arcrank='0' where id='$aid' ");
- if($row['issystem']==-1)
- {
- $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Update `".trim($row['addtable'])."` set arcrank='0' where aid='$aid' ");
- }
- else
- {
- $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Update `$maintable` set arcrank='0',pubdate='$now',sortrank='$now' where id='$aid' ");
- }
- $pageurl = MakeArt($aid,false);
- }//while
- //审核更新文档结束
- echo("审核更新文档结束运行……");
- //更新主页
- echo("更新主页运行……");
- $GLOBALS['_arclistEnv'] = 'index';
- $row = $dsql->GetOne("Select * From `#@__homepageset`");
- $row['templet'] = MfTemplet($row['templet']);
- $pv = new PartView();
- $pv->SetTemplet($cfg_basedir . $cfg_templets_dir . "/" . $row['templet']);
- $pv->SaveToHtml(DEDEROOT.'/index.html');
- //更新主页
- $query = "Update `#@__check_time` set check_time=$now where id='".$row1['id']."' "; //更新审核时间
- echo("更新审核时间……");
- $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query);
- //ShowMsg("1");
- }//if
- }//if
- }//if
- }//while
- //更新栏目开始
- echo("更新栏目开始……");
- if($is_check == 1)
- {
- require_once(DEDEROOT."/data/cache/inc_catalog_base.inc");
- require_once(DEDEINC."/channelunit.func.php");
- require_once(DEDEINC."/arc.listview.class.php");
- foreach($typediarr as $typeid)
- {
- $lv = new ListView($typeid);
- //$reurl = $lv->MakeHtml();
- $reurl = $lv->MakeHtml(1,$maxpagesize);
- }
- }
- //更新栏目结束
- echo("更新栏目结束……");
- echo $showtime=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
- AjaxHead();
复制代码 |